From the Guru

Watch and listen: words and concepts from the guru of quality management – Subir Chowdhury – explains his insights on why quality should be everyone’s business.

#1 for “Quality is everyone’s business” Video title “How do successful organizations achieve Quality?”

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#2 for “What does Quality mean to You?” Video title “The Greatest Result”

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#3 for “Transforming Your Organization Through Quality”Video title “Why Quality with a capital ‘Q’?”

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#4 for “Redefining the Nature of Quality” Video title “The Act of Delivering Quality”

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#5 for “Making Quality a Lifestyle Choice” Video title “Why does everybody have to be involved with Quality?”

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#6 for “Quality and Your Mission Statement” Video title “Quality in the mission statement”

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#7 for “The Culture of Good Enough” Video title “Good is Never Good Enough”

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#8 for “Abolish Your Quality Department” Video title “Get rid of the Quality Department”

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#9 for “LEO Revisited” Video title “LEO Methodology applied to Quality”

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#10 for “Four Cornerstones” Video title “Four Cornerstones”

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Why is Subir Chowdhury is so passionate about Quality? Why does he insist that Quality must be everyone’s business? Because he has found, through years of practice and research at ASI Consulting Group, that’s what organizations do when they want to transform themselves from a company that does things well into an established industry leader.


Article 1Quality is Everyone’s Business

Four observations on why everyone in your organization should be focused on quality.


Article 2What does Quality mean to You?

When Quality is Everyone’s Business, the answer may surprise you.


Article 3Transforming Your Organization through Quality

When “Quality” is not just part of your business plan, but a lifestyle choice taken by every member of your organization.


Article 4Redefining the Nature of Quality

Is it possible that if we change our attitude toward Quality that we can change our lives?


Article 5Making Quality a Lifestyle Choice

When Quality becomes a lifestyle, when people rise above the norm and do extraordinary things, magical things really do happen!


Article 6 Quality and Your Mission Statement


Article 7 Get Rid of the Quality Department


Article 8 Good is Never Good Enough


Article 9 LEO Revisited – The Benefits of Listen, Enrich, Optimize


Article 10 The Four Cornerstones