DFSS – Design For Six Sigma

A proactive approach to
problem solving by “designing in” quality.

Under DFSS – Design For Six Sigma, the approach to quality management is a proactive one – problem solving BEFORE problems occur; ‘designing in’ quality into the product/process. The end result is that the product or process works right the first time. The DFSS process contains five phases identified by the acronym IDDOV:

  • Identify: Identify the business opportunity
  • Define: Define the customers and their requirements
  • Develop: Develop the concept/understand the function
  • Optimize: Optimize the product/process concept design using Robust Optimization/Taguchi Methods
  • Verify: Verify the optimized product/process design and launch

IDDOV is a 5-step process within DFSS that’s a closed loop: it starts and ends with customers.

  1. Identify Opportunity – identify the business case for the project/product through customer interface: create a project charter, develop a product plan, for a team to execute.
  2. Define Requirements – Define customers and their requirements through internal and external examination; translate customer requirements into engineering requirements.
  3. Develop Concept – Generate and evaluate concepts for the conceptualization phase, then select the concept that best meets all requirements.
  4. Optimize Design – Optimize the product/process design for ‘robustness’ by building in parameter and tolerance design.
  5. Verify and Launch – Verify product/process performance; track and improve field performance through additional customer interface.

The Impact of DFSS includes the following:

  • Better and faster launches – reduced time to market
  • Designed in Quality
  • Reduced Variation
  • Reduced Failure Rate & Warranty Cost
  • Reduced Product Cost